Because sometimes you've got to take creativity by the lapels, knee it in the groin, and take home the girl he brought to the dance.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Out Here the Good Girls Die

she said, strapping on her hip holster. She paused and frowned.
"Except for Mo, I guess."
Georgia smiled. "Mo's the best of us. Don't ever think of messing with her. You'll have every hunter in three states on your ass."
"If she needs so much help then how is she still alive?" Leonard asked.
"It's not that she needs help. She was a biologist or something, before. She knows exactly where to hit you. I've seen her drop men twice her size in one hit. But she's too...nice, I guess. She'll turn every cheek she has before she lets you get to her."
Georgia stood up and checked herself in the mirror, making sure her dress properly concealed her gun. She looked at Leonard's reflection.
"Jesus, you look like you're going to pop. Suck it up, buttercup, we got work to do."
"Why couldn't I have been stuck to Mo?"

Inspiration from:

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